Monday, April 28, 2008

Under my couch... there's a film festival!

It seems like every weekend there's a new film festival to attend in the tri-state area.

In the very recent history(April 2008):
-The Garden State Film Festival (Asbury Park, NJ)
-The Hitchcock Film Festival (Manasquan, NJ)
-The Tribecca Film Festival - (going on now in New York, NY)

Coming up soon to add to the list-

The Wall High School Film Festival! (Wall High School, the place)

With recently extended deadlines, the film festival is seeking submissions from students. So, if you're interested, get behind a lens and start shooting! Don't even worry if you don't have the right equiptment because Mr. Hewitt (TV production) has offered to loan out his cameras to students working on projects for the fest.

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