Monday, April 28, 2008

Under my couch... there's a film festival!

It seems like every weekend there's a new film festival to attend in the tri-state area.

In the very recent history(April 2008):
-The Garden State Film Festival (Asbury Park, NJ)
-The Hitchcock Film Festival (Manasquan, NJ)
-The Tribecca Film Festival - (going on now in New York, NY)

Coming up soon to add to the list-

The Wall High School Film Festival! (Wall High School, the place)

With recently extended deadlines, the film festival is seeking submissions from students. So, if you're interested, get behind a lens and start shooting! Don't even worry if you don't have the right equiptment because Mr. Hewitt (TV production) has offered to loan out his cameras to students working on projects for the fest.

ahead of the press

Recently, I wrote a feature on the local gig ticket scam concerning local artists and their fair treatment on the music club scene after reading a blog by jersey shore musician Don Lee.

Today, I found that I was not alone. The Asbury Park Press had a VERY similar inclination to turn it into a story as well. They too, read the blog and interviewed Mr. Lee.

does this make me cooler or less cool?

i've yet to decide.

check out their take:

Friday, April 25, 2008

Unethical dillemma

Ethics. The rights and wrongs and moral standards that apply to everything you'll ever do. Just like every career, journalism as well has its own code. Journalists have a responsibility to respect and protect the subjects/sources of their articles, their publications, and their personal reputations as presenters of honest and unbiased coverage of the world around thier audience.

In the arts (especially entertainment) field of reporting the news, very often these ethical guidelines of respectable journalism are crossed.

Open a celebrity magazine. National Enquirer. People. In. Every one is polluted with celebrity gossip stories. Some are fine, and highlight good things about the few who stay off Ganseevort Street at 2am and avoid shaving their heads on a binge of impulse. But many of these gossip articles are just that. Gossip. Tiny fabrications that build into mini-mayhems. But there is a point when purile gossip becomes unethical and painful.

In early February, the world (myself included) mourned the sudden death of beautiful bohunk and talented actor, Heath Ledger. The story hit the news on television, blogs and papers within the hour.

Continents away, Heath's loving parents had yet to be formally informed about what happened in New York that afternoon - until, of course, they turned on the news station. How awful! Turning on TV to find out that millions of people know about the death of your child before you were formally notified. I think that this instance steps beyond ethical guidelines.

In my own encounters with journalism ethics in the art field, I also find that being credible is sometimes hard with the amount of activity I have in the arts. For example, because I'm a member of the National Arts Honor Society at my school, I couldn't write a publishable story about the Teen Arts Festival. A few of the entrants were members of the society as well as my artist friends.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hello Blog

Instead of spewing weightless excuses about my unexcusable non-bloggeration over the past while, I'm not going to cover it up. I'm simply going to hug it with a "sorry" and try to make up for it.

That being stated, allow me to fill you in on a few events that should have been present. How about a top 5?

5. Garden State Film Festival:

The Garden State Film Festival is a weekend event in Asbury Park that took place from April 3rd to the 6th this year celebrating its 6th anniversary. The film fest is host to an array of films creatd all over the world, mainly independently. This year at the festival, eager movie buffs, student filmmakers, actors, directors, writers and other varieties of human intellegence gathered and paid their $8 to festival volunteers to be able to see a total of 2 hours per ticket. The weekend included an award ceremony in which individual awards were given to films in categories involving all films from all over the world. The favortie and most saught after however, is the "Home Grown" award that is presented to films made in New Jersey. The win ended up a tie between "Greetings From The Shore" by Greg Chwerchak, and "Rock The Paint" by Wren Court Films' Dallas Mitchell Brennan for a feature length films.

4. Alfred Hitchcock Film Festival:

The Alfred Hitchcock Film Festival is a several week long event held at the ALgonquin Arts theater in Manasquan. During the festival, the theatre screens old Alfred Hitchcock films and has experts on Hitchcock's films discuss the films with the audience. Over the past few weeks, they've screened Notorious (1946), To Catch a Theif (1955), and North by Northwest (1959)

3. State Radio played a sold-out show at The Stone Pony:

State Radio, a popular band amongst highschool/college kids and "people of the beach" recently sold out a show on April 12th at the Stone Pony in Asbury Park. The show was attended by tons of eager fans. The band has a very loyal following. (a friend of mine has made his way to some 20+ shows and came all the way from boston for the night to see them play) What many concert-goers enjoyed most was an unnanounced stage visit from Dispatch's own Pete Francis! (a band popular amongst the same circles) I was pretty upset that I couldn't make it. Everyone that I talked to said it was incredible - and I'd believe it.

2. Elle Bee Studio Opens in Manasquan

Elle Bee Studio, a jewelry store/gallery opened April 3rd off Main street across from Squan Tavern in Manasquan. The store was created by Wall High School grad Lauren Leblanc and Brian Manser from Manasquan. The store looks awesome! They sell a unique mix of unique locally-crafted jewelry and other "curiosities."
Shameless self promotion: My jewelry line "Objects" by Megan Pearce is also on sale in the store, so if you get the chance - it's worth stopping by.

1. GSA hosts Rock Away Hate 2008

The Gay Straight Alliance held Rock Away Hate 2008 night at Wall High School April 18th. It was a music and entertainment event that helped to promote tolerance of the different sexual orientations of peers. The event, held in the cafeteria, was host to the musical talents of Chemtrail, Mr. Wilson and Dr. Calmes and Mr. Neil.